If you are looking for a place to start or develop your business, Central Louisiana should be at the top of your list.
Louisiana demographics are perfect for business growth because of our diverse population and economic stability. Over a ten-year period, from 2000-2010, there was a population growth of over 9,000 persons in the CLEDA area alone.
So many great industries are already a part of our state, such as Louisiana biofuels and other similar categories. The area also has certified sites that are shovel-ready for development.
But why Central Louisiana? Because Louisiana business incentives are very strong in this area. We are located in the center of the state, connected to major highways, where growth is promoted and encouraged.
CLEDA works closely with the local chambers of commerce to inspire regional development for Louisiana business and even national business to locate in the area.
Corporate relocation is another great benefit of Central Louisiana. There are plenty of resources to find the perfect spot for business relocation thanks to a strong real estate market in Louisiana.
Another factor is the strategic location of Fort Polk. Having a local military base in the area is invaluable when it comes to the economy. Ft. Polk is highly reputable and a gem in Central Louisiana.
Alexandria, Louisiana is a perfect example of LA economic development. The City of Alexandria has an award-winning international airport and one of the best navigable ports in the area. This makes economic growth even more efficient for Cenla.
But Louisiana economic development does not stop there. Allen Parish, Avoyelles Parish, Catahoula Parish, Concordia Parish, Grant Parish, LaSalle Parish, Natchitoches Parish, Vernon Parish, and Winn Parish are all booming with Louisiana business incentives and certified sites that take away the hassle of finding the right location.
For more information about CLEDA or Central Louisiana development, contact Rick Ranson at P.O. Box 465, Alexandria, LA 71309 or give him a call at 318-441-3402. You can also fax CLEDA at 318-442-6734. We hope you consider Central Louisiana for your business relocation or next home for your company.