According to a research, more than one third of the elderly above 45 years suffer from loneliness. Around one fourth of the elderly above 65 years are observed to be socially isolated.
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Elderly has great chances of having loneliness and social isolation. This can be because of different reasons like living alone, loss of family or friends or any chronic disease.
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How do loneliness and social isolation impact health of elderly?
Loneliness and social isolation in the elderly are normally associated with different physical, psychological and mental illness. Some of these are:
Physical illness:They increase the chances of physical health conditions like high blood pressure, heart diseases, cancer, stroke and obesity. This can also lead to sleep deprivation
Smoking: People who are lonely and isolated are more likely to start smoking and drinking alcohol.It is less likely for them to quit this habit. This leads to an increased risk of premature death for the people who are lonely as compared to those who have healthy social relationship.
Low immunity system: They can lead to weak immune system. These are related with chronic stress and inflammation which may reduce immune function. When you are lonely and stressed, it becomes difficult for the immune system to fight with the antigens.
Dementia: Loneliness and social isolation can impact health and mental sharpness. There are around 50% increased chances of different forms of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.
Depression:Loneliness can increase the amount of cortisol in your body. This gives rise to the chances of high level of depression and anxiety which can even lead to suicide. When you don’t have people around, it becomes very difficult to pass your time.
Risk factors
The risk factors of loneliness and social isolation in the elderly are:
Health factors like illness and poor health, dementia,stoke, restless sleep and cognitive and sensory deficits.
It may also be influenced by societal factors like availability of public transportation.
Individual factors are elderly who live alone and have insufficient relation and support of family, load on caregiver, trouble-making life events, and loss of loved ones
Economic factors like financial problems due to unemployment and retirement.
Exposure to domestic and community violence.
There are different ways by which loneliness and social isolation can be prevented. These include:
There should be strategy to increase people’s social networks, promote social power and behavior skills development.
Major health companies and other stakeholders should clearly educate and give awareness among the older public.
Different training programs and better awareness of the health affects the social isolation and loneliness in a positive way.
There should be education and guidelines about social connections that must be supported by robust national guidelines.
There should be various principles for recognizing social isolation and loneliness among elderly in clinical settings.
Always get in touch with your doctor when you notice that these conditions are becoming extreme.
The health and safety of the elderly people is influenced by the extent of social activity and the mood states. Many researchers have found out the negative impacts of loneliness and social isolation on health among older adults. These conditions can give rise to feelings of depression.